OSTAAT™ integrates cutting-edge technology with a minimal energy-consuming electronic circuit and a compact, long-lasting rechargeable battery. The two-channel controller, complete with an LED-illuminated On/Off switch, ensures intuitive control over various functions. Easily controllable with our app which can be accessed on phones, tablets, or computers, our product combines innovation with accessibility. Maintenance is a breeze, as OSTAAT™ is reusable, easy to clean, and environmentally conscious with all recyclable parts.

OSTAAT™, the smart garment revolutionizing bone growth stimulation in targeted areas such as the hips and spine, is designed for robustness, reliability, and quality. OSTAAT™ exudes professionalism by distinguishing itself from traditional abdominal belts and neuromuscular stimulators.

Our one-size-fits-all version adapts seamlessly to diverse ergonomic constraints, featuring an ergonomic design, user-friendly electrode installation, and materials that prioritize comfort during physical activities.


Revolutionizing bone regeneration and osteogenesis research, OSTAAT™ tackles the urgent problem of bone loss in astronauts during space missions, providing cutting-edge solutions to stimulate bone growth and combat osteoporosis.

Bone loss is a major problem that affects astronauts when they spend an extended period in space. Astronauts are subjected to reduced gravity conditions during their stay in space, resulting in loss of bone mass. This bone loss can have serious health consequences.

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Due to the reduced gravity in space, astronauts' bones are not subjected to the same force of gravity as on Earth. This means that bones do not have to support the same weight as they would on land. This lack of charge leads to a reduction in bone mass because the body does not consider this mass necessary.

Bone loss can have serious health consequences for astronauts when they return to Earth. This is because Earth's gravity is much stronger than gravity in space, which means that bones must once again bear their full weight. If the bones have lost too much mass, it can lead to bone fragility and an increased risk of fractures.

In addition, bone loss can also have long-term consequences for astronauts' health. It can lead to decreased bone density, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis later in life. It is therefore crucial that astronauts take steps to prevent bone loss during their time in space, but also find solutions to address this problem of returning to Earth, which can be a slow and painful process.

To prevent bone loss, astronauts must follow an appropriate exercise and nutritional program. Physical exercises are essential for maintaining bone mass, as they stimulate bone growth and regeneration. Nutrition is also important, as astronauts need to consume enough calcium and vitamin D3 to maintain bone density.

Back on Earth, to help solve this problem, astronauts can follow a specialized rehabilitation program that includes exercises to strengthen bones and muscles. Medical professionals working with space agencies develop specific rehabilitation programs for astronauts based on their experience in space and the duration of their mission.

In addition to rehabilitation, astronauts may also receive medical treatments to help stimulate bone growth. These treatments may include medications that help increase bone density, vitamin, and mineral supplements to strengthen bones, and light-based therapies to stimulate bone growth.

It's important to note that bone loss research and treatment solutions is an ever-evolving field, and space agencies are constantly working to find new methods to help astronauts maintain their bone health, and that's where KAT Innovation could get involved.

Experimenting with a new, non-invasive technology without bone growth side effects during a stay in space, as well as returning to Earth, can offer several benefits for astronauts. First, it can help prevent or decrease bone density loss by stimulating bone growth and strengthening astronauts' bones in space and allowing them to recover faster upon their return to Earth. It can also help prevent bone fractures and other health complications related to bone loss, either short-term or long-term.

Moreover, experimenting with bone growth technology in space may officially have broader implications for human health on Earth. The results of space-based studies can be used to develop treatments for bone disease and fractures, as well as to improve the musculoskeletal health of people who live in low- or absent-severity environments, such as bedridden patients or anyone with disabilities who cannot walk.

In conclusion, bone loss is a major problem for astronauts in space. It can have serious consequences for their health when they return to earth, and in the long term.


Our launch project is the development of the minimum viable product (MVP) of the OSTAAT™ technology in the form of a belt that will be used for our first clinical trial. To design the smart clothing and this MVP, we are prioritizing collaboration with strategic partners in Quebec.