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One STim At A Time!

Osteoporosis and CKD

Osteoporosis is a silent disease that gradually reduces bone density and quality. Over the years, bones become progressively weaker.

Osteoporosis is sometimes caused by severe chronic kidney disease (CKD). Due to this irreversible disease, the kidney's blood filtration function is affected, leading to additional health problems.

A solution

Our OSTAAT™ medical device stimulates bone growth in patients with osteoporosis associated or not with severe chronic kidney disease who are looking for a non-invasive solution to prevent or cure any type of fracture* and, more specifically, hip fracture.

* Claims will be addressed in future clinical trials.

Scientific evidence

Phase 1 and 2 In Vitro studies conducted at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) since August 2022 have made it possible to answer the hypotheses raised by our researchers on the link between electrical stimulation with specific parameters and bone formation. The results will be published shortly.


Medication is not recommended for patients with osteoporosis associated with severe chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to impaired kidney function, leaving them with limited or no viable treatment options.

For patients with primary osteoporosis, medication may be an option, but they must contend with a significant risk of experiencing side effects.

The technology

OSTAAT™ involves applying a specific electric current through electrodes on the skin, intervening in the complex mechanisms of cell membranes allowing calcium to enter cells promoting bone growth.

An international network

KAT Innovation is supported by incubators and accelerators in Canada, France, USA, UK, Taiwan, and Spain.

Medical partners from five university hospitals in France, Canada, Spain, and Tunisia work in collaboration with KAT Innovation.


Fractures each year: 1 fracture every 3 seconds
1 in 3 women will suffer a fracture after the age of 45
1 in 5 men will suffer a fracture after the age of 45
Direct healthcare costs $500B per year and in the US, $21K per patient yearly
850 million
people worldwide suffer from chronic kidney disease and a huge proportion are affected by osteoporosis
1 in 4 people
with hip fractures will die within 12 months of surgery.
3 out of 4 people without surgery die within 12 months